Infinite Strength
I understand that Anna Bambury of Infinite Strength is a Clinical Counsellor/Psychotherapist, CCC; Counselling Therapist, CT; Master Practitioner Clinical Counselling, MPCC, Registered Professional Counsellor, RPC, Registered Psychotherapist - Qualifying, RP- Qualifying, Certified Clinical Trauma Professional; CCTP-II #279871, Clinical Supervisor, Certified Shame Informed Treatment Specialist, Eating Disorders, Addictive Eating, Body Shaming and more, Certified Integrated Life Coach, Gottman Method Couples Therapist II & Leader, EMDR Clinician, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Certified HeartMath+ Practitioner, Internal Family Systems Informed Therapist
I understand that Anna Bambury of Infinite Strength provides other holistic modalities and she is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist; Certified Hearth Math+ Practitioner; Certified Master/Instructor in various lineages of Reiki, Certified Integrated Energy Therapy® Master/Instructor, a Certified Yoga Teacher, Certified Qi Gong teacher/practitioner and MDS (TM) practitioner. Soul Contract Interpreter, Lightbody Practitioner and the owner and facilitator of ISO(TM) courses that may involve dowsing, boundaries, wound and shadows/parts courses and more. She may incorporate any of these modalities during individual sessions via in-person or online session, courses if we have agreed upon the integration of it. Specific Spiritual Energy Sessions ie: And soul Contract Readings are not claimable under your insurance, only counselling sessions are claimable under your Counselling Insurance Benefits.
I understand that the above modalities can assist me in:
• Learning how to relax to reduce stressors
• Refocus my thoughts to regulate my emotions
• Breathing Techniques, Meditation, Managing my pain
• Improve my mental functioning and enhance the quality of my life by recognizing my inner tools and resources to be more
empowered to make more informed decisions about my health and well-being in a more positive direction
• During Certified Courses she will coach me, train me, empower me, explain, instruct, mentor, quiz for knowledge, supervise, teach and test for knowledge
I understand this is a professional therapeutic relationship and it is uniquely and highly personal, but at the same time is a contractual agreement. I understand that Anna Bambury and I are not engaged in a personal friendship relationship only a professional therapeutic one.
Given this, it is important for us to reach a clear understanding of how our relationship will work, and what each of us can expect.
This consent will provide a clear framework for our work together.
I understand that working with a therapist must be of compatible fit, with respect to Anna Bambury's scope of practice, approach and policies enforced and listed here.
I accept and understand that Anna Bambury of Infinite Strength and I are not fit to start working together or over time as we do work together and either of the below occurs, if:
a) I am/will be involved in some sort of court or legal proceedings due to separation or divorce, custody, an accident or workplace legal issues
b) I am required by court order to seek counselling
c) I am involved in a domestic violent abusive relationship
d) I have suicidal/destructive behaviours where I am harming myself or harming others.
e) My concerns, challenges or goals are not in the Scope of Anna Bambury's Practices.
f) Breaching the terms of the contract can also result in the termination/incompatibility of the therapeutic relationship to continue.
I accept and understand that if any of the above is my situation, Anna Bambury of Infinite Strength is not a fit for me and my needs.
I understand that Anna Bambury wants me to be paired with the best compatible professional for my needs and such situations are best handled by other professionals who have a specialty of being trained in these specific areas of assessment and will be happy to recommend other professionals that could be a more compatible fit for my needs.
I understand that Anna Bambury of Infinite Strength cannot promise that my behaviour or circumstance will change, however, I understand she will do her very best to understand me and any repeating patterns, as well as provide clarity through paraphrasing and summarizing my dialogue.
I understand that my goal plan depends largely on my willingness to engage in this process, which may at times, result in considerable discomfort.
I understand that counselling therapy can expose me to experience emotional issues while I am healing myself in any of my sessions with Anna Bambury of Infinite Strength, and remembering unpleasant events and becoming aware of feelings attached to those events can bring on strong feelings of anger, depression, anxiety, etc. There are no miracle cures, nor can I blame my discomforts as I have understood that it is part of the therapeutic process.
I understand that Anna Bambury of Infinite Strength is not to be used as a scapegoat during/outside of session time, therefore I understand that I will not blame her in person or in other forms of communication such as emailing/texting her inappropriately for a discomfort experienced by during/outside session time.
I understand that counselling involves Anna Bambury and myself working together as a team; to help me to learn to regulate my emotions and effectively communicate with others and self-realize. Thus, seeking Anna Bambury's opinion/validation is contradictory to therapy.
Over time, Anna and I will be reviewing not only my progress but if our professional relationship is still a compatible fit.
a) I understand that as therapy progresses with Anna, we may become incompatible in our therapeutic relationship and we will explore and discuss whether my concerns, challenges, or goals are not within Anna's Scope of Practice.
b) My therapeutic progress is equal to my effort and commitment in practicing the techniques/homework and continued self-reflection/self-development outside of my sessions with Anna. Any lack of effort/commitment to these practices outside of therapy may produce unsatisfactory results and/or may become an incompatible fit to continue sessions with Anna, which will be discussed further.
c) If any boundaries mentioned in this waiver are crossed it will interfere with the therapeutic relationship and can result in an incompatible fit to continue sessions with Anna.
If any of the above occurs, this can result in the dissolution of our therapeutic relationship and recommendations/referrals to another professional will be provided. *Further details can also be found in the TERMINATION OF COUNSELLING RELATIONSHIP.
I understand and accept that I will not seek out Anna Bambury's services in order to request that she be involved in a court process. Should this happen I understand that requesting a treatment summary does not affect the therapeutic relationship and she is more than happy to assist in creating this for the client. I understand Anna Bambury prefers that current clients or their legal counsel not request that Anna Bambury not testify or participate in depositions because she does not have that specific training.
I understand that the role of a therapist is to support the client, counsellors are helpers, Anna Bambury's role is to help me with problems, behaviours, and feelings, not take sides or make decisions for me. The role of any therapist is not to be involved in legal disputes. This will allow confidentiality to remain intact. Furthermore, I understand that having any therapist involved in court proceedings or providing session notes on or off record can harm the professional therapeutic relationship and ability to achieve treatment goals.
Providing a case summary, allows the clinician to provide the court with a treatment plan and progress toward goals, without adding the emotional toll and therapeutic damage to the therapeutic relationship. Furthermore, we must remember that it’s the role of the lawyers on either side to discredit any witness, showing that they are biased or lack necessary credentials as well as not understanding the harm they do to people in the same way that therapists see. It’s a game, and they want to win. I understand that Anna Bambury wants to be very clear, and does not want to participate in that game. Going to court isn’t “personal” for lawyers, however, it IS personal for clients and therapists. Anna Bambury takes the therapeutic relationship seriously.
Court Involvement Fees:
I understand that if I do not respect Anna Bambury's request and I follow through with a subpoena and Anna Bambury attends court, I, as the client is responsible for the fees. I understand that any time set aside in preparation for a subpoenaed court appearance, preparing of testimony or preparing reports for the attorneys/court, travel, time waiting, dispositions (discovery hearings), paying therapist’s legal fees, etc will be billed at an hourly rate of $400/hour.
Anna Bambury, Infinite Strength requires a retainer of $4000 (Plays out to 10 hours) to be used as a deposit towards fees for professional time. If time is less than the retainer, the balance will be used as a credit in the office for additional sessions. If time is more than the retainer, the balance will be charged at the end of each day.
I understand that the attorney issuing the subpoena must contact Anna Bambury, Infinite Strength at least 2 weeks in advance of the court date, and request that Anna Bambury block out either: 8:00 am-12 pm and/or 1:30-5 pm. As mentioned above, court appearance or deposition fees are billed at the rate of $400 per hour. If Anna Bambury is subpoenaed without a two-week advanced notice, the attorney issuing the subpoena will also be billed for all appointments that need to be rescheduled as well as any additional attorney fees that the therapist might encounter. The attorney issuing the subpoena will be responsible for the payment of services in advance. If the court case is continued, the therapist’s office is to be contacted within 48 hours in advance or the attorney issuing the subpoena will be charged for the blocked-out period they requested due to loss of income, and time spent in preparing for the appearance.
I understand that Anna Bambury prefers to provide a case summary, assessment and treatment plan (with appropriate consent and release of information being signed) when communication is needed because a case summary does not affect or impact the therapeutic relationship in a negative way. Case summaries are billed at $250/hr.
I understand that should I want to switch from an individual counselling relationship to a couples counselling relationship or vice versa the format of counselling shall change. I understand that couples counselling will sometimes involve 1-on-1 sessions with each partner to incorporate a broader view of the relationship concerns, however, any individual/couples work may have to be referred to another counsellor depending on the agreement between myself and Anna Bambury of Infinite Strength, to avoid conflict of interest in the couples therapeutic relationship.
I understand that Anna Bambury of Infinite Strength is not to be used as a scapegoat during/outside of session time, therefore I understand that I will not blame her in person or in other forms of communication such as emailing/texting her inappropriately for a discomfort experienced during/outside session time.
I understand that I will not seek to take my partner to couples counselling to receive validation from Anna Bambury of Infinite Strength if my beliefs are right or wrong. I understand that couples therapy involves Anna Bambury assisting my partner and me to learn to communicate more effectively. Thus, seeking Anna Bambury's opinion/validation is contradictory to therapy. Lastly, I also understand that Anna Bambury will refer me to other therapists for any parenting issues that may arise.
Should the relationship dissolve, Anna Bambury will continue the therapeutic relationship with the individual that:
a) First initiated contact with Anna Bambury
b) OR/IF the second contact is within Anna's Scope of Practice and the first initiated contact is not
c) UNLESS both individuals mutually agree that they can continue seeing Anna Bambury individually, as she will always maintain confidentiality as if she is not seeing the other individual as a client.
Group Classes and workshops can be a powerful and valuable venue for healing and growth. It is the desire of Anna or Andrew Bambury that you reap all the benefits the group has to offer. To help this occur, groups are structured to include the following elements:
- A safe environment in which you are able to feel respected and valued as you work
- An understanding of group goals and group norms
- Investment by both Anna or Andrew Bambury and members to produce a consistent group
A safe environment is created and maintained by both Anna Bambury and its members. The primary ingredients are mutual respect and a chance to create trust. Another primary ingredient for a safe environment has to do with confidentiality. We realize that you may want to share what you are learning about yourself in a group with a significant other. This is fine as long as you remember not to talk about how events unfold in a group or in any other way compromise the confidentiality of other group members. Classes may be recorded with the permission and request of the members and are to only be shared with the group members, this is not always available, however, Anna Bambury will discuss previous to the class starting if a recording will be made available to the group members.
I understand that group therapy/courses can expose me to experience emotional issues while I am healing myself in the group setting, and remembering unpleasant events and becoming aware of feelings attached to those events can bring on strong feelings of anger, depression, anxiety, etc. There are no miracle cures, nor can I blame my discomforts as I have understood that it is part of the group therapeutic class process.
I understand I will make use of the resources below if I need to discuss concerns outside my appointed session. If at any time I feel like harming myself or injuring another, I will let Anna Bambury or the group leaders (workshops) know and/or contact my emergency contact(s). If I cannot reach them, I will call either 911 or the Crisis Line at 1-877-303-2642 (24-hour Crisis Line) or go to the nearest emergency care centre in my local area.
I also understand and accept that the counselling relationship with Anna Bambury of Infinite Strength can be terminated immediately should I require further mental health or other professional authorities’ assistance if there is a disclosure of suicidal behaviour or domestic violence as this is not her scope of practice. A safety plan will be discussed, my emergency contact(s) will be contacted, and referrals to licensed professionals)s and services will be provided to me and if necessary authority measures will be acted upon to ensure my safety.
I understand that if I need to contact Anna Bambury between sessions, I will email her and I understand that she will reply within 48 hr during business days. However, information/reflections in the email are to be discussed during the next session.
There will be NO TEXTING for any issues or concerns TEXTING IS ONLY FOR APPOINTMENT SCHEDULING.
I understand that Anna Bambury is not often immediately available; however, I understand Anna Bambury will make the attempt to return my call/email within 48 hours. Hence I will make use of the after-hours/after-session resources (SOS Crisis Line, 911, and local emergency facilities).
Any messages sent after business hours of 7 PM MDT (Tuesday - Fridays) I understand they will not be reviewed till the following day or any messages sent on Saturdays after business hours of 4 PM MDT, they will not be reviewed till Tuesday. I understand that it is best to discuss concerns at my appointed session.
I will ONLY text Anna for appointment scheduling.
Any other reflections or discussions are to be saved for our next session, as all therapeutic sessions are ONLY in person and NOT via TEXT/EMAIL
I understand that Anna Bambury cannot ensure the confidentiality of any form of communication through electronic media, including text messages. Communication via email or text messaging is only permitted for issues regarding scheduling or cancellations; while Anna Bambury may try to return messages in a timely manner within 48 hours during business times, Anna Bambury cannot guarantee immediate response and request that you do not use these methods of communication to discuss counselling content and/or request assistance for emergencies.
I understand that if I am a minor, my parents may be legally entitled to some information about my therapy. Anna Bambury will discuss this with me, and my parents about what information is appropriate for them to receive and which issues are more appropriately kept confidential.
Tele-counselling refers to counselling services that remotely use telecommunications technologies, such as video conferencing or telephone. One of the benefits of tele-counselling is that the client and the counsellor can engage in services without being in the same physical location. Although there are benefits of Telepsychology, there are some differences between face-to-face counselling and Tele-counselling, as well as some risks. For example:
Because the Tele-counselling sessions take place outside of the private office, there is potential for other people to overhear sessions if you are not in a private place during the session. As your therapist, Anna Bambury will take reasonable steps to ensure your privacy but it is important for you to make sure you find a private place for the session where you will not be interrupted. It is also important for you to protect the privacy of our session on your cell phone or other devices. You should participate in Tele-counselling only while in a room or area where other people are not present and cannot overhear the conversation.
There are many ways that technology issues might impact Tele-counselling. For example, technology may stop working during a session, other people might be able to get access to our private conversations, or stored data could be accessed by unauthorized people or companies. Your coach has a legal and ethical responsibility to protect all communications that are a part of Tele-counselling, for example ensuring that the platform used is PHIPA compliant.
As your therapist, Anna Bambury has the right, at any time, to determine if Tele-counseling is not appropriate for your situation. Should this be determined, I will provide you with referral information to other, more suitable, services. Confidentiality: The extent of confidentiality and the exceptions to confidentiality outlined in this Informed Consent document apply in Tele-counselling;
When engaging in a Tele-counselling session, please also keep the following in mind: -ensure you are in an appropriate location (free of distractions like family and pets if possible); -verify ahead of time the best reception in your chosen location; -dress appropriately as you would for a session; -refrain from eating and/or smoking during the session as these can create communication challenges.
Ending relationships can be difficult. Therefore, it is important to have an appropriate termination process in order to achieve some closure. The appropriate length of the termination depends on the situation, length, and intensity of the treatment decided by both Anna Bambury and myself.
Anna Bambury may terminate counselling with me if our therapeutic relationship/counselling sessions are no longer suitable, appropriate or beneficial. If at any time the relationship is no longer compatible and/or my concerns and challenges are outside of Anna's scope of practice, and/or breaches in this waiver/contract occur, (Please see PROFESSIONAL THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIP).
If Anna Bambury determines that the therapy is not being effectively used by me, or if our therapeutic relationship is not in alignment, or if I am in default on payment, or if I consistently cancel or cannot make my appointments pre-scheduled by Anna Bambury for reasons outside of pre-arrangements/medical exemption the professional relationship is discontinued and my file is closed. If I do not schedule an appointment or reply back to Anna Bambury's request to confirm continuation of treatments for two consecutive weeks, unless other arrangements have been made in advance, for legal and ethical reasons, lastly, if any of the terms have been breached Anna Bambury must consider the professional relationship to discontinue and will close my file.
If counselling is terminated for any reason or you request a different therapist, Anna Bambury will provide you with a list of qualified therapists to treat you.
I understand I may also choose someone on my own or from another referral source.
I also understand and accept that the therapeutic relationship will be discontinued should I require further mental health or other professional authorities’ assistance if there is a disclosure of suicidal behaviour or domestic violence or any areas that do not include Anna Bambury's Scope of Practice. If needed a safety plan, contacting my emergency contact and referrals to professionals and services will be provided to me and if necessary authority measures will be acted upon to ensure my safety.
If I had purchased a package and there are still unused sessions from that package due to the termination of our therapeutic relationship, Anna Bambury will refund me any unused remaining sessions in that package.
I agree that I am here on my own behalf and not as an agent for any federal, provincial, municipal or professional agency on a mission of entrapment or investigation. By signing below, I further agree that I will not hold Anna Bambury of Infinite Strength responsible should there be any unfavourable outcome or result. I have read the above-noted consent and have had the opportunity to question the contents and my therapy. By agreeing to this form, I confirm my consent to treatment and intend this consent to cover the treatment discussed and any additional treatment as proposed by my therapist to deal with my physical condition(s) for which I have sought treatment. I understand that at any time I may withdraw my consent and treatment will be stopped.
These Terms and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with their subject matter or formation, including non-contractual disputes or claims, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Alberta and the laws of Canada applicable therein. You agree that the courts of the Province of Alberta shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with the subject matter or formation, including non-contractual disputes or claims, of these Terms.
I agree to pre-pay for my session prior to my appointment with Anna Bambury of Infinite Strength.
Sessions can be pre-paid via e-transfer to
OR have the CC that is required on my file to be charged after the session.
OR I can request to add a package to my account.
I understand to hold my appointment Anna Bambury of Infinite Strength requires that I put my CC on file which is kept secured and to maximize my appointment time rather than taking a payment after my session, the payments will be processed after our session or prepaid via packages.
I understand that the CC will not be charged UNLESS I have unpaid/outstanding sessions on file or schedule changes/cancellation is made less than the 48 and 24-hour notice policy.
I understand that prices are subject to change at any time and it is MY responsibility to review prices on the website to confirm I am paying the correct amount for my appointment.
I understand that Infinite Strength is a private clinic and does not do any direct billing unless further notice.
I understand that should I choose to purchase a package it must be used within the 1 year period otherwise any unused remaining sessions will be refunded to me should the therapeutic relationship dissolve sooner than the usage of all the sessions in the package.
I understand that the packages that Anna provides are set for economical assistance at a lower value than that of a full-rate single session.
I understand, that Anna may be able to provide me with a sliding scale reduced cost agreement should my financial situation change. There will be a contractual agreement to these terms that it will be subjected to a periodic review and the cost will be adjusted on a sliding scale dependent on the new financial changes which will always be agreed upon with Anna Bambury and me.
I understand that 1-ON-1 sessions are NOT applicable to 2-ON-1 sessions. If one client doesn't show up for the 2-ON-1 booked session it is still considered a 2-ON-1 session.
If a package is purchased the sessions must be booked and utilized within the 1 year period (this would accommodate if the session intervals switch to monthly or longer).
Should there be remaining sessions not be utilized as I discontinue seeing Anna Bambury due to the dissolution of our therapeutic relationship, my remaining unused sessions will be refunded to me.
If I want to buy a package I will need to request it to be manually to Anna Bambury or email to be added to my account.
If you want to share your package with your partner, sibling, or family member it will appear administratively as a gift certificate BUT THIS IS NOT A GIFT CARD! Due to the limitations of this Jane Scheduling Software, this is their means of sharing sessions.
Anna Bambury DOES NOT offer the purchases of Gift Cards/Certificates.
I understand that the time of sessions involves:
Sessions are 50 minutes in length. Sessions with Anna Bambury are 50 min and the remaining 10 min for administration.
I understand that I must be on time for my appointment and there will be no extra time provided at the time the session is scheduled to be over.
I understand that if I am not prepared for my Zoom online session (driving, at a public place, or in a compromised location that doesn't allow confidentiality privacy) the session is terminated immediately.
If I am late for a session or not appropriately prepared for our Zoom online session, I understand I may lose sometime during that session time.
if it is a disruption to the session it can conclude in a loss of session (ie. 20-30 minutes left in a session is not sufficient for counselling & and discussing matters that require more processing time)
If time permits and Anna and I would like to continue longer than the 50 min and it is both agreed to continue, I understand that I will be subjected to paying for the extra time incurred.
I understand that there is no refund policy in effect for any courses that I have purchased or for any sessions that have already been incurred.
For any courses, I am only exempt to transfer ONCE to the next available course date.
***For any sessions unused in a package with Anna Bambury due to the dissolution of our therapeutic relationship, Anna Bambury will refund me any of my unused remaining sessions on the package I purchased.
Clients are responsible for keeping track of their sessions remaining.
Please contact to get receipts, payments settled, and session balance.
I understand and agree that I must provide at least 48 hours notice to cancel/change my session by texting Anna Bambury @ 587-645-0880 or I will be charged $80+ tax (1-on-1) $92 + tax ( 2-on-1 session) on the CC I have on file. If I cancel/change my session with less than 24 hours' notice my session, I will be charged the full current rate or if I have purchased a package I will lose a session from my package. I authorize and agree that my CC for any of the cancellations fees listed above.
If you as the client or Anna Bambury as your Therapist are sick there is no cancellation fee charged, and vice versa Anna Bambury as your therapist does not owe the client if they had to cancel under short notice due to being sick. Any other reasons for cancelling either party will incur the cancellation fee charge or make session (no charge to the client) will be provided for the next session.
I understand that this is necessary because of the time commitment made for me and it is held exclusively for me.
Anna Bambury of Infinite Strength collects, uses and discloses health information according to the Personal Health Information Privacy Act. Anna Bambury of Infinite Strength is committed to taking steps to protect your personal health information from theft, loss and unauthorized access, copying, modifications, use, disclosure and disposal and to protecting your privacy and only using your personal health information for the purposes you consent.
Anna Bambury of Infinite Strength cannot reveal information about me without my written permission except where disclosure is required by law:
if she has any knowledge that I may harm myself or others,
that a child (under 19 years of age) is in danger, or an elder or dependent adult
if she is subpoenaed to the Court of Law for a proceeding that I involved in
if she becomes gravely disabled
The use of Social Media by Anna Bambury of Infinite Strength is not intended to replace therapy in any way. Rather, it is to provide an accessible space to share knowledge, inspiration, motivation, education and any future workshop dates. I acknowledge that not every post will be fitting for each person, and I am encouraged to filter the information and take what feels best for me.
Anna Bambury, Psychotherapist, CCC, CT, MPCC- RPC, RP- Q limits to confidentiality extends to social media, just as they do in our therapeutic relationship. The exceptions to this rule again:
if she has any knowledge that I may harm myself or others,
that a child (under 19 years of age) is in danger, or an elder or dependent adult
if she is subpoenaed to the Court of Law for a proceeding I am involved in
if she becomes gravely disabled
If I choose to engage with Anna Bambury, Infinite Strength platforms on Social Media, I acknowledge that it is not a secure and confidential platform; as such, I have a choice in how I interact and I acknowledge that Anna Bambury will also choose in what she participate for interactions for what it could potentially expose. Interaction with a platform could expose our therapeutic relationship if one is already formed; however, Anna Bambury, Infinite Strength may/ or may not respond or engage in online conversations to ensure confidentiality, unless otherwise agreed upon.
Again, Social media is not a secure or private means to communicate, therefore, Anna Bambury requests to not attempt to contact her with questions via social media comments, posts, or messages. Please only use via her email or texting appointments only to 5876450880.
To support Anna Bambury's ethical code of conduct and commitment to ensuring my privacy and safety, Anna Bambury is providing me with transparent clarity that her Facebook Profile Page is used as a Professional Business Profile Page; where knowledge, inspiration, motivation, education and any future workshops dates are shared.
Our therapeutic professional relationship boundaries are to remain "professional" and not as a personal "friends" relationship should I choose to engage/follow her social media platforms. Following Anna Bambury's business social media platforms doesn't confirm I am her current or past client, this also includes any followers who may be mutual acquittances. Business social media platforms are just that business platforms, anyone can choose to follow business profiles for the purposes of sharing education, inspiration and events dates that are provided.
If you find Infinite Strength business listed under a review site such as Google or Yahoo, Anna Bambury has not solicited this request and is unlikely to ever see a review posted. To ensure your own confidentiality, be aware of leaving reviews on any of these sites as this information is public. If we are working together, Anna Bambury encourages me to discuss any feedback in session. Anna Bambury believes that this is a very important part of therapy and will always encourage me to be as open and honest with her as I feel comfortable.
Anna Bambury will only ever use a search engine to look up information on a client in the rare case that there is a crisis and to ensure my well-being. Otherwise, if we have not been in touch through our usual means of communication, she may use a search engine to try and get a hold of me if she feels it is necessary to do so.
I acknowledge that if I have any further questions about Anna Bambury's social media policy, I will bring my inquiries to her in our next session together.
I understand that I am responsible for my own health, healing and wellbeing. I also understand I have the ability to heal myself by reconnecting to the Source of all healing I understand it is my responsibility to advise Anna Bambury of anything that might help us work together better to achieve the healing I seek. I further understand any services performed by Anna Bambury are not a substitute for adequate medical care and I intend to remain under the care of my primary healthcare provider.
I understand that if I have -- or if I think I have -- a medical/psychological or emotional concern, condition, disease, disorder, issue or symptoms, Anna Bambury will help me reduce any related stress and consult with or refer me to other professionals in their areas of expertise in order to provide the best treatment for me.
I understand that Anna Bambury will seek required law and medical attention/other professionals when my health and safety are in jeopardy, or I present an imminent threat to myself or others; or if there is an indication of abuse of a child, elder or dependent adult; or if I become gravely disabled.
I agree that I am here on my own behalf and not as an agent for any federal, provincial, municipal or professional agency on a mission of entrapment or investigation.
I understand if we see each other accidentally outside of the therapy office, Anna Bambury may not acknowledge me first. It is my right to privacy and confidentiality and is of the utmost importance to Anna Bambury, as they do not wish to jeopardize your privacy. However, if I acknowledge Anna Bambury first, she will be more than happy to speak briefly with me, however, Anna Bambury feels it appropriate not to engage in any lengthy discussions in public or outside of the private office. I understand that despite our professional therapeutic relationship being created and incorporating a connection of rapport and trust, please remember Anna Bambury is not your "friend" but your "professional" providing you with a service. Friends reach out personally to each other they do not engage in "professional therapy sessions" and Anna Bambury does not reach out personally to me.
This Policy & Fees may be amended from time to time. We recommend users periodically review this to ensure they are notified of any updates. Last updated on Nov.27/23. Should there be any amendments made to this Informed Consent I understand I will have to fill out an updated form again.