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Infinite Self Optimization:


2. Mental Strength

Welcome to the 2nd foundational course

of your self-actualization journey!

This course will provide you with:

  • an understanding of your boundaries

  • how to integrate with the trauma wounds from the 1st course

  • how to implement somatic regulation tools

  • how to interrupt your triggers before they interfere with your goals

  • how to recognize when you are breaching your or others' boundaries

  • info on time, food, social media, communication boundaries & more. 

  • bring acceptance & compassion to yourself & others

Wall of ideas
Support Group Meeting



Hybrid In person @ Calgary or Zoom Online

Please note to provide a safe space and protect your confidentiality

participants' questions or sharing will not be recorded.

The Self-paced Study Recording Link will be posted a week after.

*Permission to teach this course requires an approved

Certified ISO teacher with

a trauma-informed psychotherapist background.

$355 + tax


Using Laptop in a Cafe

Course Includes:

2 Days of Live Lecture

Video Replay 

Q & A




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Strengthen your Boundaries

Self Worth

We don't realize how much we breach our own boundaries and that of others through communication, unhealthy survival mode numbing behaviours that diminish our self-worth, and integrity.

Why do we do this? The first course explained this with our thoughts and actions being primed from our trauma wounds.

With this course, you will understand how to :

  • what are boundaries and find the line between when we are breaching them

  • learning communication we need to always share? When does it become a form of attachment survival mode of putting it on others to lick our wounds vs. self-regulation? 

  • be compassionate with yourself and others as we all didn't have a manual to address our emotions 

  • connecting money, time, social media, food and self-care boundaries with the integration of the safety of your inner child

  • manage debilitating procrastination, avoidance tendencies, negative self-image, impulsive behaviours, and more.

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